The Importance of Courage

  الحمدلله رب العالمين العالمين والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

As Muslims, we know that Islam is a beautiful religion of many great manners, morals, etiquettes, and much more. One of the best qualities a Muslim can have is courage. As Muslims, we sometimes tend to go through many struggles and hardships. Being brave and courageous may sometimes be difficult during times of  hardship. According to Imam An-Nawawi, the definition of courage is “Courage(and bravery) means to stand up and defend the truth even in the face of possible oppositions, and to call people to goodness and forbid evil and race to do good deeds.” Although having courage may sometimes be difficult, as Muslims, we should know that Allah SWT loves those who are courageous. Prophet Muhammad PBUH mentioned, “A strong believer(Qawi) is better and is more lovable to Allah than a weak believer…” (Portion of a Hadith from Sahih Muslim,2664)” A great example of people who portray courage, would be our new brothers and sisters from Afghanistan that recently came to Tulsa. They truly are brave and their actions prove how courageous they are. It takes courage to move countries, leave family behind, adapt to new lifestyles, and so on. Despite all the hardships they had to go through, they were courageous and truly wanted to improve their lives. They try their best to learn a new language and get used to their new surroundings, which all require courage. May Allah SWT help us become courageous. 
