One of the beauties of Islam is that it never changes. For example, Allah (SWT) and the Prophet Muhammad (SWS) have always encouraged us to stay clean. One of the earliest revelations instructed Muslims to be clean. “Surely Allah loves those who are most repenting, and loves those who keep themselves pure” (2:222). During the pandemic, many people were struggling and continue to struggle with their hygiene. However, Islam has already taught us the importance of cleanliness. We should not fear the pandemic but have trust in Islamic teachings.
When we perform Wudu, Ghusul or any form of cleansing we gain good deeds but also gain the worldly advantages of good health. Not everyone is educated over Islamic teachings and we should strive to teach the importance of cleanliness. Especially now when cleanliness is most important during this tough time. We should encourage all of our brothers and sisters to be clean. Sometimes, it can be hard to spark up conversations with others about cleanliness. A helpful tip would be planning out what you want to say and knowing who your target audience is. We should all have the courage to speak about the importance of cleanliness.
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